There are many ways
to support this work

Say Hello
Introduce yourself and say hello to the rest of the community.
Add events you are hosting or sign up to events added by others, add a quick post or write an article to tell us what you’re working on.
Tell us about your Interests, so members who are here for similar reasons or have specific expertise can connect with each other.
Join In.
Add your stories, experiences, and ideas to our prompts to make your time here as valuable as possible.

Let’s join forces to bring the impact of your work to all of Chattanooga.
If you’re involved in a local group, or just get together with some friends and want to make a difference to your neighborhood then let us help your efforts – you’re the amazing backbone that will transform our city.
And if you’d just like to find out how to get involved or set up a group or run activities in conjunction with us, then please fill in this form to get in touch.

Great cities are
made of great teams

There are lots of ways you can help the Chattanooga become North America’s first National Park City as a volunteer, helping share our story with more people across our city.
There really is something for everyone to do, even if you can only spare a few hours here or there. Please fill out this form with your contact details, availability, areas of interest and relevant experience, and any relevant information you’d like to share with us. We will dive into our needs and be in touch with the best way to plug you in.
You’ll get some cool swag too as a token of our appreciation.